Halo Stoneleaf Dining Table Blog Image

Once a month we are bringing you a favourite piece from the McKenzie & Willis collection from our biggest fans… our staff!
Keep tuned to see the most treasured and valued pieces from those in the know.

Name: Jayne Cross-Hunter
Showroom: Christchurch
Position: Furniture Category Manager
Item: Halo Bleu Nature Stoneleaf Dining Table

Why I love this item:

To me this table is timeless, I don’t buy things on a whim. I tend not to follow the crowd but I do love good design.

I love the permanance of this table. To me it feels like it could have come out of the ruins of Pompeii, a treasure to behold.

The materials are so timeless, the marble top doesn’t need to yell out and say look at me, it just is! The Oak frame that it sits upon is simple and is just perfect, nothing flash just great design and the best materials, who needs anything more than that. It’s a table for life.

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